- Data Protection Act (DPA)This law was introduced to protect the privacy rights of individuals. It provides for the right to access personal information held about them and their entitlement to have this information corrected if necessary.
- Personal Information (PI)
Personal information includes any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person who may be directly or indirectly identified in particular circumstances. - Dat Protection Officer
A person appointed known as the “Data Protection Officer”. The Data Protection Officer is responsible for ensuring compliance with the provisions of the Act and regulations issued thereunder. - Subject Access Request
Any individual whose privacy is affected by the unlawful processing of his/her PI may lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Officer. - Data Controller
Data controller means any person who collects, holds, processes, stores, or transmits personal information about an individual. - Data Processor
Data processor means any person who carries out activities specified in subsection (1) of section 8. - Data Subject
Data subject is any individual to whom personal information relates.
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